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Abstract: Traffic congestions experienced in Lagos State daily have culminated into delayed and unpredictable travel  times, excessive loss of energy, and loss of veritable man hour. This of course is the resultant effect of the state’s over  reliance on the road for conveying its ever growing population. However, for a mega city like Lagos and owing to the fact  that about 30% of the state is been accounted for by water bodies, the need to fully harness the potentials of water  transportation to serve as a complement and alternative mode to road has become more compelling.  The study made use  of the primary source of data which was collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered  on a randomly selected sample of 250 water transport users in Lagos State. Of the 250 questionnaires administered, 211 questionnaires were received for analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Secondary data was also sourced to serve as complement to the primary data, thus allowing for a robust research. Reviewed were requisite theories and concepts, past works of various scholars, textbooks, journals and data collected from relevant government agencies. Descriptive statistical tools such as percentages were adopted to present the socio – economic characteristics of users and the Spearman’s Ranked Correlation Analysis was used to explain the relationship between frequency of travel, education and income of respondents. 

Findings showed that the about 65% of sampled population are male, 48.35 % are degree holders, 34% of respondents are young within the 26 – 34 yrs age bracket, 34% married and 59%  of sample are self employed. Also, that majority of the respondents (58%) are daily users and about 50% of the respondents observed that water transportation service in the state is either bad / very bad. The result also showed that a number of factors were identified as been responsible for low water transport commuting in the state and they include poor water infrastructure,( ) weak policy formulations( ), safety and security issues( ), exorbitant fares( ), inaccessibility and unavailability() amongst others.  Further analysis revealed that there exist an insignificant relationship between frequency of travel, education and income of respondents.

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) initiatives such as Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) etc so as to encourage investors to develop water infrastructure. It is also recommended that there is the need to conduct research, develop operational techniques and promote the use of technology to ensure safe and efficient deployment of water transportation system

Keywords: Transportation, Passengers, Travel, Commuting.

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