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The prevalence of crime is common in all the societies, whether it is rural or urban. The individuals who get involved into criminal acts belong to various categories such as, they may be educated or uneducated, they may be wealthy or reside in destitute and poverty stricken conditions, they are engaged in different types of occupations such as, white collar jobs, blue collar jobs, minority jobs or they may be unemployed. They differ on the basis of family backgrounds, religious groups, caste, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic backgrounds. In most cases, people who get involved into criminal and violent acts belong to disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society, they are not educated enough and are usually engaged in minority jobs. These individuals have only one main objective, that is to improve their financial positions and living conditions, in order to fulfil this objective, they usually get involved into criminal acts such as, stealing, robbery, theft and burglary. There have been formulation of crime prevention strategies, which have the main objective to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts. In this research paper, the following areas that have been taken into account are, models of crime prevention, development of crime prevention strategies, kinds of criminal acts, and crime prevention approaches. The primary aspect that leads to the prevention of crime is following the path of morality, virtue and ethics by all the individuals. The morals and values would enable a person to focus on the achievement of his life and career goals and abstain from conducting any kinds of criminal and violent acts.

       Keywords: Crime, Prevention, Strategies, Development, Community, Approaches

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